By Eric Kas, Advancement Director
“What do they teach you at school?” I recently asked my child, a first grader at LSA.
“We learn that each of us is a living stone,” he said.
I was struck by his profound, yet simple response. My son identifies himself in the scriptures and God’s story.
The idea of being a “living stone” comes from 1 Peter 2:4-5. “As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
Around eight years ago, I started what I now call a “church plant experiment.” This verse was key in shaping our vision. Rather than simply “going” to church, each one of us are living stones actively being built into the church, the hands and feet of Christ.
God brings his kingdom and shalom throughout his world, and we are not passive, but active participants.
As the advancement director at Living Stones, my role includes pointing the broader community to that truth.
I have the unique opportunity to be integrally connected here at the school, as well as with families and donors. I am regularly amazed at the way God is building this learning community for the sake of the world.
This community cares deeply about inspiring, equipping, and empowering students to pursue the shalom of God’s kingdom. Together, we are being built into a place where God is dwelling.
In other words, we are all living stones.