Her job title is “worship coordinator,” but Shelli Fynewever’s real job is inspiring kids to find joy in worshipping their creator. She plans the weekly school-wide worship services, and also comes alongside teachers. She loves it when kids stop her in the hall and ask her when the next worship time is!
Shelli answered some questions for you about her time at LSA:
How has God been preparing you for this role?
Amazingly, God is pulling together a bunch of my experiences and interests in what I get to do at LSA. I have education and background in teaching, music, theatre, dance and worship leading. My teaching degree and Master’s in Theatre get a good workout here! As the worship director at Madison Church’s Square Campus for a few years, I was constantly stretched to find multi-cultural ways to connect our congregation to God, and I love applying those skills at LSA.
What drew you to LSA initially?
I have always been in love with how LSA seeks to create a safe space for all kinds of students and families. I love how the culture and language of people from all over the world are honored and celebrated here. It was this commitment to the whole body of Christ that drew me to LSA.
Children come to LSA from many different churches. How do you consider that when planning worship?
Children at LSA do come from lots of church backgrounds, so it is good for them to feel both comfortable at times, but also a little bit challenged in how they see God, and how they approach God in worship. We learn from each other and honor each other this way. I look for songs, pictures and stories from many cultures. I meet and plan with a diverse group of people, so that all the experiences aren’t coming from just me and my background, and we have a variety of voices and people contribute to our worship times.